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Diese Masterclass ist kostenlos
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81 Minutes
81 Minutes
Apprendre l’importance de vivre non seulement dans le monde physique mais aussi dans le monde spirituel. Comment fonctionner en dualité pour transformer tous les aspects de votre vie.
QUATRE des techniques de guérison énergétique les plus efficaces de Jeffrey… qui vous aideront à attirer plus d’abondance, plus d’amour, plus de bonne santé et plus de bonheur dans votre vie (vous pouvez les appliquer dans n’importe quel aspect de votre vie et observer des résultats instantanés).
Un «exercice d’intuition» incroyablement simple que vous pouvez utiliser pour obtenir des réponses à toute sorte de questions : même les débutants peuvent utiliser cette technique simple pour se sentir “plus en confiance et sûrs d’eux-mêmes” et… profiter d’une meilleure connexion avec leur source.
Cette technique énergétique simple de 7 minutes est un excellent moyen de découvrir la puissance de l’énergie. Cela éliminera votre blocage n°1 et vous vous sentirez différent tout de suite. (Préparez-vous pour des synchronicités étonnantes juste après cela.)
Choisissez n’importe quel aspect de votre vie dans lequel vous vous sentez coincé en ce moment : affaires, amour, carrière, santé, spiritualité ou même parentalité. Détendez-vous et regardez Jeffrey découvrir la prochaine (meilleure) étape au travers d’une technique énergétique unique.
Et bien plus encore …
An engineer by trade and energy healer at heart, Jeffrey Allen helps people combine intellect and intuition to boost confidence, improve relationships, find purpose, and manifest their dreams.
Jeffrey’s teaching now spans the globe, but in 2005, he was an unfulfilled software engineer. Despite extensive training in spirituality and energy healing, he hesitated to leave his lucrative career. Eventually, he embraced his passion, counseled thousands, led workshops worldwide, got married, and founded a clairvoyant school in Japan.
His clients experienced profound changes, but Jeffrey wanted to reach more people. Meeting Vishen at A-fest in Thailand led to the creation of the Duality program, designed to teach energy awareness. Duality aims to awaken individuals to their energetic selves, fostering purpose, self-healing, abundance, and connection.
Trainer credentials
Served on the board of directors for the Psychic Horizons Center in Boulder, Colorado - where he completed clairvoyant training and earned a teacher’s certification.
Graduate studies with leading clairvoyants, healers and spiritual teachers in the United States, including Michael Tamura, Mary Bell Nyman, Jim Self, John Fulton, and Nassim Haramein of the Resonance Project.
Co-founder of Spirit Mind Living, Inc. and Oneness Company. Fifteen years teaching clairvoyance, healing, and mediumship studies in the United States, Europe and Japan.
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Your learning journey
A Masterclass hosted by Vishen
Hosted by Vishen, founder of Mindvalley and author of NY Times bestsellers “The Code of the Extraordinary Mind” and “The Buddha & the Badass.” Renowned for his expertise in human development, Vishen will delve into the world of energy healing with Jeffrey Allen. With his extensive experience in learning design, Vishen will draw out the most impactful ideas and wisdom from Jeffrey, providing you with transformative insights and techniques to enhance your life.
Guided techniques throughout the Masterclass
Jeffrey Allen will guide you through practical techniques to harness energy and transform every aspect of your life. You'll learn to balance the physical and spiritual worlds, master four powerful energy healing tools to manifest abundance, love, health, and happiness, and tap into your intuition with simple exercises. Experience immediate results by clearing your #1 energy block in just 7 minutes and unlock your full potential.
Learn to overcome your challenges in life
This Masterclass will help you overcome life's challenges with his most effective energy healing techniques. Whether you're feeling stuck in business, love, career, health, spirituality, or parenting, Jeffrey will guide you to uncover your next best step through unique energy techniques for immediate, transformative results.
Disponible pour une durée limitée
Toutes les sessions sont en Français et sont à votre fuseau horaire
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