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With Lisa Nichols
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Stories on Mindvalley
Breathe life into any story you tell, and capture the attention and imagination of your audience with the art of ‘story-showing’.
Turn your deepest pain into your greatest power - and learn how to articulate it in a way that inspires others to join the causes that matter to you.
Apply Hollywood’s ’10-second rule’ to instantly wow anyone you’re speaking to and leave them hanging on to your every word.
Whether it’s an audience of one or 1,000, discover the one piece of advice Lisa uses when she speaks to deeply connect with people.
And Much Much More
Lisa Nichols is considered to be one of the top speaking coaches in the world today, and her ability to command a stage and inspire audiences globally has placed her among the very best orators in history — alongside legends like Martin Luther King Jr., John F. Kennedy, Nelson Mandela, and more.
But before Lisa became the most-requested teacher in the hit movie, The Secret, her life was filled with unimaginable scarcity and struggle.
In 1994, Lisa was a single mom barely surviving on government assistance living in South Central, L.A. And with only $11.42 to her name, she didn’t have enough money to even buy diapers for her young child — resorting to using a towel as a desperate substitution.
Forever etched in her memory as the lowest point in her life, this became the fuel that sparked one of the most remarkable journeys ever of self-transformation.
Today, Lisa is only one of two African American women to take her company, Motivating the Masses, public. She is also an author of six best-selling books, including New York Times bestseller, No Matter What.
In addition to her numerous media appearances on prime time TV — shows like Oprah, The Today Show, The Steve Harvey Show, and Extra just to name a few — Lisa’s outreach program for teens has touched the lives of 211,650 young men and women, prevented over 3,800 teen suicides, supported 2,500 dropouts in returning to school, and has helped thousands reunite with their families.
Lisa joins Mindvalley to teach you how to use your voice to find your mission, inspire others, and rally people behind the causes that sing to your soul.
As seen on
Lisa’s heart-felt appearance on Steve Harvey Show went viral with 40+ million views.
Lisa on The Oprah Winfrey Show
Vishen is the founder of the world’s largest personal growth company, Mindvalley. He’s the author of the NY Times bestselling books, “The Code of the Extraordinary Mind” and “The Buddha & the Badass” and is regarded as one of the foremost experts in the field of human development. Vishen and his team of 250 education innovators at Mindvalley have created many of the world’s foremost brands, apps, tools and events in the field of human development including Mindvalley University, Omvana, A-Fest, Soulvana and more. As a host, Vishen uses his experience in learning design to draw out the best ideas and wisdom from each trainer.
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Playing For A Limited Time Only
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