Ken Honda

FREE masterclass: The Japanese art of healing your money wounds

Could a disempowering ‘Money Story’ in your head be quietly keeping you stuck in a financial rut? Discover how to rise above your negative beliefs, build the wealth you desire and finally make peace with your money.

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What You’ll Learn

  1. Are these 7 money beliefs holding you back?

    Take this quick fire quiz to find out which beliefs you need to disrupt today to see an immediate rise in your levels of wealth.

  2. 3 surprising things self-made millionaires put their trust in.

    After surveying 12,000 millionaires, Ken reveals the 3 unexpected golden threads that contributed most to their success.

  3. How to find the right balance between Money IQ vs Money EQ.

    Discover what really determines long-term wealth, and why some of the smartest people in the world lose money as quickly as they earn it.

  4. Does the ‘Money Monster’ have a grip on your finances?

    Heal one of the biggest money wounds that has left many paralyzed by fear… Could this mental model be responsible for keeping you stuck or even in debt?

  5. Why earning more will never make you feel rich…

    Instead, learn how to adopt the ‘abundance on demand’ mindset that will quickly shift you towards a more wealthy, prosperous and secure reality.

  6. Ascend to Level 3 of Wealth Perception.

    Learn how to radically shift your outlook on wealth so you can start experiencing life where you’re practically ‘breathing in money.’.

  7. Identify your Money EQ type.

    We all have hidden childhood stories in our minds that are running our relationship with money – often with disastrous effects. Discover what yours are and how to permanently heal them.

  8. “Arigato Your Money”

    Discover the secret technique investor Wahei Takeda used that fundamentally transformed his relationship with money and helped immortalize him as the ‘Warren Buffett of Japan’.

And Much Much More

About Ken Honda

Ken Honda is Japan’s most recognizable and influential money teacher. Fondly known as the ‘Zen Millionaire’ in his home country, Ken has penned 58 books (including the New York Times bestseller Happy Money), been translated in 15 languages, and sold over 8 million copies and counting.

As a young boy, Ken discovered – the hard way – just how much of an impact money can have on our lives. After learning of a family friend who took both his own life and the lives of his family due to a run-in with loan sharks, Ken became determined to understand why something as ubiquitous as money could have such a deep influence on our behavior.

And in some cases, with very tragic outcomes.

Ken would go on to build multiple successful businesses and achieved ultimate financial freedom at just 29. But his fascination with our relationship with money persisted. After surveying over 12,000 self-made millionaires in Japan, while being mentored by the late Wahei Takeda (the ‘Warren Buffett of Japan’), he began noticing a common pattern among the richest, happiest and most fulfilled people.

Building sustainable wealth was less about Money IQ (business and investment strategies) and more about Money EQ (our emotional intelligence surrounding money).

In this Mindvalley Masterclass, Ken will share his most profound insights and techniques on the art of mastering your money, so you can heal your money wounds and achieve the levels of wealth you’ve always desired.

Ken Honda
Ken Honda, Robert Kiyosaki, and Jack Canfield at Wealth Masters event

Ken Honda, Robert Kiyosaki, and Jack Canfield at Wealth Masters event.

Ken Honda is Japan’s #1 self-development guru and bestselling author with more than 8 million books sold worldwide.

Ken Honda is Japan’s #1 self-development guru and bestselling author with more than 8 million books sold worldwide.

Stories about Ken Honda

This Masterclass Is Hosted By Vishen Lakhiani

Vishen is the founder of the world’s largest personal growth company, Mindvalley. He’s the author of the NY Times bestselling books, “The Code of the Extraordinary Mind” and “The Buddha & the Badass” and is regarded as one of the foremost experts in the field of human development. Vishen and his team of 250 education innovators at Mindvalley have created many of the world’s foremost brands, apps, tools and events in the field of human development including Mindvalley University, Omvana, A-Fest, Soulvana and more. As a host, Vishen uses his experience in learning design to draw out the best ideas and wisdom from each trainer.

Vishen Lakhiani

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