Playing For A Limited Time Only
With Donna Eden and David Feinstein
Playing For A Limited Time Only
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Learn how to navigate through any friction at an energetic level and completely bypass the heartache of heated arguments or debates.
Identify which of the 4 energetic sensory systems you lean towards and get a better understanding of how best to connect with others.
Learn how to synchronize your partner’s, your workmates’, and even your children’s energy with your own, and experience a new level of connection.
We are not taught how to love, and there are 7 types of love that we should have cultivated in childhood that might be affecting your love relationships today.
By the end of this Masterclass, you will walk away with powerful and practical energetic tools to strengthen your relationships, find new love, and energetically connect with the people who matter most to you.
Donna Eden and David Feinstein, Ph.D., are two of the world’s leading energy medicine pioneers - and a loving couple with an enduring 42-year romance.
Donna and David run the world’s largest Energy medicine school, and have trained over 100,000 students, including physicians, nurses, and other healthcare professionals.
Donna, in addition to being a bestselling author and coveted speaker, is also widely recognized as one of America’s leading proponents of energy medicine.
David, on the other hand, spent over three decades as a clinical psychologist without energy practices - before discovering that combining these two disciplines resulted in dramatic improvements in every area of his clients’ lives.
As seen on
Donna receiving an award for Best Masterclass of the Year 2018 from the Mindvalley Community.
Donna and David doing an energy technique on stage.
Vishen is the founder of the world’s largest personal growth company, Mindvalley. He’s the author of the NY Times bestselling books, “The Code of the Extraordinary Mind” and “The Buddha & the Badass” and is regarded as one of the foremost experts in the field of human development. Vishen and his team of 250 education innovators at Mindvalley have created many of the world’s foremost brands, apps, tools and events in the field of human development including Mindvalley University, Omvana, A-Fest, Soulvana and more. As a host, Vishen uses his experience in learning design to draw out the best ideas and wisdom from each trainer.
Join This Brand New Masterclass with Acclaimed Energy Masters Donna Eden and David Feinstein
Playing For A Limited Time Only
All Times Shown Are In Your Local Time
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