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With Jon & Missy Butcher
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Students Enrolled
90 Minutes
Crave to discover who you truly are, what your unique purpose is, and what you want in every area of life
Are seeking clarity as you move through a major transition point in life (e.g. divorce, career change, a personal loss, a mid-life crisis, etc.)
Want to create holistic success and balance across all dimensions of your life without having to sacrifice one area for another
Are tired of settling or drifting through life and want to finally take charge of your future with a clear step-by-step action plan
Want to stop the vicious cycle of broken New Year resolutions and step into 2024 with a powerful Life Vision that will supercharge your goals
Discover your personal Life Quality Score
Uncover everything that’s been holding you back in the last year, and exactly to focus to achieve your biggest and fastest wins.
The 3 Silent Saboteurs of your hopes & dreams
Feeling stuck? Perhaps there’s been a particularly difficult goal you just can never seem to reach? You might be held back by one of the 3 ‘Silent Saboteurs’.
How to create your deeply personal Lifebook
Your Lifebook decodes the mystery of your true desires, who you really are, and how to have it all. Discover how to write the most important book in your life, for the rest of your life.
Why only focusing on your career & wealth is a deadly trap
Most people spend 80% - 90% of their time on work and making money. Here’s why that’s a huge mistake, and what you should be doing instead.
How to eliminate uncertainty, and be sure of every decision you make
Should you take that job? Date that person? Move to that new city? Use this ‘mind hack’ to never second-guess yourself and make choices that are perfectly aligned with your true desires.
Ask your subconscious what it really wants - and get an instant answer
In just minutes… this Instant-Clarity exercise shatters the deepest illusions you’ve been conditioned with throughout your life and shows you what you’re really here for.
You’ll emerge from this Masterclass with the tools and guidance you need to have total control over your destiny to achieve success on your own terms.
Jon and Missy Butcher are the founders of Lifebook. They’re serial entrepreneurs, lovers, and adventurers with a life most people would call “impossible”.
They have crafted a unique lifestyle: building a fairytale home instead of buying a conventional mansion, maintaining a passionate relationship decades into their marriage, and embodying vitality and youthfulness well into their fifties as grandparents. Their approach to life is about intentional, unconventional choices that reflect their distinct values and desires.
Jon and Missy credit their success not to any form of skill or talent, but to the Lifebook process they have perfected over the years. And it’s a process that will change your life too, when you choose to embark on the Lifebook experience.
Trainers credentials
Jon & Missy no longer teach live workshops, but occasionally attend Mindvalley events to interact with our audience.
Jon & Missy traveled to nearly 100 countries - they believe that real life experiences will provide their children with the best education
Playing for a limited time only
All times shown are in your local time