Free Immunity Meditations From
Dr Joe Dispenza

We hope you loved the episode with Vishen and Dr Joe Dispenza on the Mindvalley Podcast. Here are the meditations promised in that episode.

Bonus Meditation #1:

Laying Down with Gratitude

In this lying down meditation, you will use your breath to activate your heart. As you breathe in and out of your heart, Dr Joe will guide you in cultivating elevated emotions like gratitude, joy, compassion, and a love for life. When you activate the heart by calling up elevated emotions, you broadcast that energy to every cell in your body and signal genes that protect and defend your inner environment. You will finish the meditation by relaxing into nothing, and allowing your body to receive the elevated feelings that strengthen your inner army.

Music by Remko Arentz.

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Bonus Meditation #2:

Immune to Fear

In this meditation, Dr Joe will guide you in opening your awareness to sense nothing material, nothing but space. When you open your awareness and take your attention off of everything physical, your brain waves will slow down and you will create more coherence in your brain. Then, by placing your attention on your heart and activating that center with your breath, you will create more coherence in your heart. It is the union of these two elements–brain coherence and heart coherence–that produces measurable biological effects. Using this formula, you will begin to program your immune system to function at a greater level of order.

Music by Barry Goldstein.

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About Dr Joe Dispenza

Dr Joe Dispenza is a New York Times best-selling author, international lecturer, and researcher driven by the conviction that people have an innate potential for greatness and unlimited abilities. In a simple, inspiring, and compassionate way, he teaches people how to rewire their brains and recondition their bodies to make lasting changes.

Dr Joe’s passion is found at the intersection of neuroscience, epigenetics, and quantum physics related to spontaneous remissions and healing. He has helped thousands of people use that knowledge to heal illnesses, chronic conditions, and terminal diseases so they can enjoy a more fulfilled and happy life, as well as evolve their consciousness.

Loving Dr Joe’s Meditations? Here are some more

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