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It’s happening at 8am - 10am Los Angeles / 3pm - 5pm London
With Ajit Nawalkha, Vishen & Ronan Diego de Oliveira
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120 Minutes
Live Masterclass
Why the ‘old school’ approach to health coaching fails most people
Most health coaches focus only on diet and exercise: yet science now proves there are multiple other key areas for creating holistic body transformations that stick. Discover what these are, and how you can apply them for fast and lifelong wellness breakthroughs in yourself and others.
Rest in peace, yo-yo diet: you won’t be missed
Typical diets are an endless cycle of willpower battles and temporary weight loss. Instead, experience a Body Relationship Journey exercise that permanently shifts your food psychology; by removing the inner resistance blocking you from craving the right food in the right amounts.
How to get in the best shape of your life (by listening to your body)
Harness the science of interoception to accurately read your body’s needs and wants, and understand its unique potential. This method gives anyone far deeper clarity on the health and fitness goals most suited to them: and the best nutrition and exercise plans for achieving them.
Are your hormones quietly sabotaging how you look, feel, and perform?
If all your efforts in healthy eating and exercise aren’t giving you the lasting breakthroughs you need: your hormones could be the silent culprit. Explore the science of hormonal optimization, and how to detect and repair hormonal imbalances without medication or supplements.
How to transform peak health and fitness into an effortless habit
What would happen if regular exercise, healthy food cravings, and other wellness routines became as effortless to you as breathing? Learn the steps to creating zero resistance habits you can stick to without struggle, and without even thinking about them.
By the end of this LIVE one-day, free webinar…
You’ll identify the breakthrough strategies, skill set, and mindset to skyrocket your Health and ascend your career into a whole new level:
Founder of Mindvalley
Vishen is the Founder of Mindvalley, an award-winning education movement with millions of students worldwide.
Through Mindvalley, Vishen has spent over 15 years exploring the science of personal transformation: including areas like peak performance, optimal health, fitness, and longevity, and the science of shifting one’s identity to facilitate life-changing and lifelong breakthroughs of mind, body, and spirit.
Ronan Diego de Oliveira
Mindvalley’s Head of Health & Fitness
Ronan is Mindvalley’s in-house health and fitness expert, and the co-creator of many of our bestselling fitness programs: including Holobody, 10x Fitness, and Beyond Fasting.
His personal journey started with a path of over-exercising, unhealthy dieting, and eventually major health issues: which became his wake-up call to study a more healthy, sustainable approach to wellness. Today, Ronan engages in leading events and programs to share his discoveries with a global audience.
Ajit Nawalkha
Lead Coaching Business Instructor
Ajit Nawalkha is a builder of businesses and coaches, and serves as the mastermind behind various major brands in the human transformation space: including Mindvalley Teach, the Global Grit Institute, and Evercoach.
In this Masterclass, you’ll experience Ajit’s unique ability to facilitate lasting transformation through deep habit formation and identity shifts: allowing you to rapidly and effortlessly embody the goals you set for your own health.
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